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Certifications & labels


Certifications (for resale)

A certification is a process of checking and confirming the sustainability of a building on the basis of defined criteria. The criteria serve as an instrument for planning, management and control. An independent inspection body (certification body) verifies compliance with the criteria. A certification is always linked to a financial expense. This consists of certification costs as well as additional costs for planning, construction and documentation.


A certification is a procedure by which a third party gives written assurance that a product, process or service conforms to certain standards. A certification label is a label or symbol indicating that compliance with standards has been verified. (eg: BREEAM, DGNB, HQE, LEED)


ISAE 3402 -

International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3402 Assurance Reports on Controls at Service Organizations is a successor to Statement on Auditing Standard (SAS) No. 70: Service Organizations. The definition and implementation of control objectives are examined, as well as the existence and effectiveness of controls is a commercial distinction awarded within the framework of a certification. It characterizes a building or larger unit in terms of quality and durability, but also serves as an instrument of external communication. It aims to create confidence in quality.


a sustainability label (also known as a 'quality label') is a commercial distinction awarded as part of a certification. It characterizes a building or larger unit in terms of quality and durability, but also serves as an instrument of communication to the outside. It aims to create confidence in the quality of the planning and construction process as well as in the work itself and, finally, to facilitate the marketing of a building. The use of the label is generally controlled by the body standardization.

Obtaining a label guarantees quality in a specific area: materials, energy performance, etc. The labels set higher performance levels than the regulations, thus making it possible to make housing more efficient in terms of environmental and energy quality, and quality of life, for example. Eg: 

  1. Minergie: Since 1998, Minergie has been the Swiss construction label for new or renovated buildings. The brand is supported by the economic world, the cantons and the Confederation. It is also protected against abuse. At the center of the label is comfort. This comfort is guaranteed thanks to a good quality building envelope and systematic air renewal, above-average thermal protection and complete quality assurance. Minergie buildings are also characterized by very low energy requirements and a maximum share of renewable energies.

SGS (Société Générale de Surveillance) - certification 

SGS is the world leader in inspection, control, analysis and certification. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity - SGS Switzerland holds a number of certifications including:  ISO/IEC 17021 certification for management systems in the field of quality, environment and safety.

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