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Brief Insights

Brief Insights: excerpts from puchlines of real estate specialists during conferences or interviews and quotes


Interview Extract  Dec 13 th 2022 - Matthias Ruetshi by Philippe Fixel - 


What are the forecasts for you, for Switzerland, in terms of volume of kWh available this winter 2022 - 2023?


On the trends of the Swiss market in volume of distribution and consumption: what is said for this winter:

 "this winter, it's going to pass, it's good" 

There were such cries of alarm in September, that everyone filled the oil tanks. Many diesel dual-fuel installations have been built, and everyone has stockpiled. Swiss energy suppliers, including SIG, have bought a lot of gas. The only risk should be limited to isolated brownouts.

Emerging trends in Real Estate - Mark Lyons – Head Real Estate Development Switzerland – Member Div. Manageryou


PWC Geneva Conference - November 29, 2022: “Emerging trends in Real Estate”

“Two classes of assets are emerging, the "future-proofed assets" which are the result of a decarbonization strategy towards net zero of certain institutional investors and the "stranded assets" having a carbon footprint inconsistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement belonging to other investors, including private owners, who will face an erosion of the market value of their objects”.


ESG labels, certifications and ratings - Extract: Deepki 19 07 2022


“Labels, certifications and ratings are all aimed at helping investors choose responsible investment products. An important difference between labels and ratings is that the property manager takes the initiative to obtain a label, which is generally focused on a certification, whereas the rating organization unilaterally assesses a building, whether or not the manager requests the rating. Unlike labels, ESG ratings do not certify a process of ESG integration of portfolios or investment inputs with a specific methodology. On the contrary, ESG ratings generally aim to “score” the portfolio on sustainability with a rating”.

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Sustainability Think Tank for Real Estate
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