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Interviews by Philippe Fixel

Dr. Olivier Ouzilou 09/11/23

Signa-Terre – Co-founder - Managing Director of Signa-Terre SA / Technical Expert and Sales Director

French version

English version

Swiss regulation articles

Immoday 30/05/2022 - Simona Terranova - MT Finance



Excerpt >

"The "SFDR" regulation (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation - Regulation [EU] 2019/2088) is part of this action plan and concerns management companies and their products. It entered into force on March 10, 2021. The purpose of the SFDR is to improve the publication of information on sustainable investment as well as its comparability and to counter greenwashing at the level of financial services and products.

Green Value Items

Immoday 13/06/22 Olivier Toublan

Excerpt >

"Why is this value lower? Analysts see four main reasons for this.

First, "theInvestors are increasingly avoiding buildings heated by fossil fuels as the ESG taxonomy gains prominence. They therefore also more often accept lower initial yields if the objects in question are operated in a more sustainable way". Then, "it is easier to find advantageous financing for buildings without CO2 emissions.." 

Articles methodology Decarbonization solutions 

Articles State of play of the Swiss housing stock - where are we?

Immoday 08/17/22 interview Maciej Skoczek, UBS economist

Excerpt >

"Around half of Swiss real estate funds now submit themselves to independent sustainability analyses. While the published figures have to be taken with caution, the sector nevertheless seems to be on the right track. That said, a sustainable label has not yet really measurable impact on stock market performance." 

Immoday 28/09/22 TME Associates

Excerpt >

"Even if the case law has not yet been settled in this area and other concretizations are expected, companies should immediately embark on a sufficiently open implementation of their measures, their processes and their organization in a way to be able to adjust them" 

Immoday 12/10/22 interview Pascal Kuchen, general manager and Jean-Bernard Georges, director  COPRE investments

Excerpt >

"We have adopted a multi-criteria approach, based on energy indices (IDC, CO2), as well as other indices that we have chosen specifically for the portfolio. Among them, vacancy, which is also a very good indicator, since 'it can be linked to obsolescence" 

Immoday 10/18/22 interview Emanuel von Graffenried, Associate Director, Building Consultancy, at CBRE

Excerpt >

"Overall the situation is not very good. Today we find ourselves with a park that emits more than 40% of the country's CO2, which makes Switzerland a bad student. Many buildings date from the 1940s to 1970s. They have certainly been properly maintained, but they no longer meet the standards in force today" 

Articles Research impact & measure 

D Brounen, G Marcato - Berkeley Lab.: Berkeley, CA, USA, 2018

Excerpt >

"After discussion on methodological framework, we introduce and present our data and discuss the different ESG metrics used in the subsequent empirical analysis. The results of our REIT return analysis are discussed step by step, starting with a standard baseline asset pricing model and finalizing with a careful analysis of the E, S and G impact on REIT returns. 

SL GillanIn KochLT Starks - Journal of Corporate Finance, 2021 - Elsevier

Excerpt >

"As in previous sections, the articles discussed here often contribute to our understanding of whether a firm's ESG/CSR activities are in the interest of shareholders or the outcome of agency problems." 

Articles Philippe Fixel  

ESG insights RE  03/23/23 - Philippe Fixel  copyright 2023

ESG insights RE  04/17/23 - Philippe Fixel  copyright 2023

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Switzerland Roadmap coming soon

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